The Antara agWeather Network is a collection of private weather stations. Each station is connected to the internet and the data collected is available through both web and smartphone applications. Antara operates and maintains the network, making the service more affordable by spreading costs over multiple farming operations.
Make Better Decisions with Antara agWeather Network:
The Problem:
One can easily argue that weather is one of the biggest factors that impact crop yield. Many important decisions on field activities rely on accurate assessments of recent weather and predictions for the following weeks. As farms expand, they cover wider geographies making it difficult to assess current conditions without travel.
The Solution:
Cost effective weather stations with a suite of sensors and loT connectivity make it possible to collect accurate weather information from remote locations. These options make it feasible to create subscription based weather service accessible in real time from any mobile device.
The Benefits:
Better Decisions: Real-Time weather information and forecasts generated from nearby stations can greatly improve our decision making abilities. This helps growers make better choices on when to apply fertilizers and/or crop protections products.
More Accurate Crop Modelling and Disease Forecasting: Local data can also increase the accuracy of crop growth and disease forecast models. Are conditions right for the development of sclerotinia and fusarium head blight when my crop is most susceptible?
Better Records: Having an accurate history of weather data goes a long way in explaining results after the season. Why did certain fields yield differently than others? This is even more important when you want to benchmark against other farms. Moisture drives yield but so does temperature and disease pressure. Not only field to field, but also year to year.
Setup Alerts: With real-time data at your fingertips on mobile devices, alerts can be setup to warn you of significant weather events. This could be changes in wind speed or direction, it could also signal the potential for temperature inversions and/or frost events.
Can we make better decisions with more local weather data?
Local Weather In Real Time:
From planting to harvest, weather variability can affect your yield potential. Wherever you are, access to real-time data from the field is vital to making informed decisions that guide your field work.
- Air and Soil Temperature
- Wind Speed and Direction
- Relative humidity
- Delta T
- Soil Moisture and Leaf Wetness
7 Day, Hourly, Forecasts:
Planning field work often depends on knowing what the weather is going to be. Hourly forecast of wind and rain help plan timely field operations form planting right through to harvest. Farmers rely on having accurate hourly forecasts to plan their days and weeks.
- Hourly temperature, wind and rain forecasts up to 7 days out.
- 3, 7 and 14 day weather outlooks
- Increased accuracy by comparing local data with 25 different weather models
Crop and Pest Modelling:
How is the weather affecting your crop’s potential? Will it have what it needs to reach full potential? What is the disease pressure in your field as the crop approaches susceptible growth stages? Are conditions conducive to disease development?
- Field level yield predictions that adjust to accumulated heat units and rainfall.
- Disease pressure modelling on 4 major crops. Fusarium head blight, sclerotinia and more.
Work Planning Tools:
Do you know if your fields are fit for travel? Is it too hot or too cold to spray? Are conditions right for fertilizer applications? Plan your field operations based on real time local weather data.
- Set up weather alerts to help plan fieldwork.
- Planting, spraying, nutrient application and harvest window forecasts.
- Setup real time weather alerts to warn you of frost, wind or rain events.
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